Frequently Asked Questions

We hope that you find our website and the information displayed easy to access and use. If the frequently asked questions below aren’t of any help, or you have further questions or feedback please contact us.

How long does it take to make and have it delivered to me?

Unless the item is in stock please allow for about 10-12 weeks for the production of your plaque, seal or emblem. Shipment is by FedEx, UPS or DHL International Express Courier with a normal door-to-door delivery time worldwide of within 2-3 business days after despatch. 

What is our returns policy?

All of our models are backed by a 1 month unconditional money back guarantee. If for any reason you choose to return an item we will be more than happy to return your money in full. However we are not responsible for the cost of return freight to the Philippines.

How do we use decals?

We only use decals in very rare cases where the required logo or emblem is of very very fine detail. We prefer to use hand painted detail wherever possible to maintain the quality and feel of the product and also due to the fact that with time decals tend to discolor.

What sales tax do we charge?

None! Because our models are exported directly from the Philippines and as we are classified as VAT exempt company we do not have to include any sales taxes in our prices.

Is the wood we use on the prohibited export list or of a banned variety?

No. We only use Kiln Dried Philippine Mahogany which is from renewable sources and is not a rare or endangered variety of wood. If you require we can also produce the same model you are interested in by using Solid Cast Resin instead of wood. Just email us for more information.

How do we pack our models to withstand courier shipment with FedEx, UPS or DHL International Express Courier?

We only use high strength cardboard boxes together with medium density foam (cut to the shape of the model). This provides ample protection against the most severe of conditions likely to be encountered.

Do we give a discount for volume orders?

Yes. Please email us in advance if you are requesting a discount.

Can we produce models in other materials?

Yes. We have more recently started offering Solid Cast Resin models as an alternative to wood versions. They look exactly 100% the same as the wood version and have exactly the same amount of detail (if not more as for example we also include indented gaps on control surfaces rather than just painting them on the wood version!). Actually solid cast resin is actually preferred by many rather than wood as it is more stable (no chance or warp or cracking) and a lot stronger and damage resistant (especially for shipping). It also has a more solid feel and is considerably heavier than wood giving it a more expensive feel. Resin models in comparison to wood are generally substantially higher in price due to the cost of materials used plus if we have not made that specific model before we also have to create a new mold. Please email us if you require further information on resin models.

Can we produce any other wood or resin models apart from boats?

Yes. If you have a special requirement for airplanes, helicopters,cars, buses or trains we would be pleased to quote you. Please send us an email stating your exact requirements and if possible attach images of your desired model. We can even offer airplane replicas in fiberglass and up to 6 feet in length.